Fête (Digital Series)
Short Digital Series (Dramedy) | 5 x 5min Episodes | English | 2023 | Co-Directed with Christina Elizabeth Hall; Created by Krista Hovsepian.
Three sisters gather annually, over a period of five years, to celebrate the eldest's birthday. Each year brings with it new partners, challenges, heartaches, and misgivings in this messy drama about dysfunctional family
Short Digital Series (Dramedy) | 5 x 5min Episodes | English | 2023 | Co-Directed with Christina Elizabeth Hall; Created by Krista Hovsepian.
Three sisters gather annually, over a period of five years, to celebrate the eldest's birthday. Each year brings with it new partners, challenges, heartaches, and misgivings in this messy drama about dysfunctional family
Short Digital Series (Dramedy) | 5 x 5min Episodes | English | 2023 | Co-Directed with Christina Elizabeth Hall; Created by Krista Hovsepian.
Three sisters gather annually, over a period of five years, to celebrate the eldest's birthday. Each year brings with it new partners, challenges, heartaches, and misgivings in this messy drama about dysfunctional family